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Lessons Tagged with basics

Hold-to-Delete Angular Directive With RxJS and Firestore

Prevent accidental data deleting by implementing a hold-to-delete button with RxJS, Angular Directives, and Firestore.


Angular Console Quick Start Guide

Learn how to use the Angular Console to cut down development time in a CLI project.


Redux From Scratch With Angular and RxJS

Build a redux-style state management library in Angular from scratch with RxJS


Angular Components - Ten Basic Concepts

Top ten basics concepts to understand about components in Angular v6


Angular Router Basics

Everything you ever wanted to know about the Angular Router, Navigation, and Guards


Top Ten Visual Studio Code Pro Tips

Ten Ways to Boost Productivity with VSCode Extensions


Angular Reactive Forms Basics Guide

Master the basics of Reactive Forms in Angular by building five different forms from scratch.


Angular CLI Basics Guide

Master the basics of the Angular v6 CLI


The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Firebase

In this episode we go back to the basics and play with Firebase using plain JavaScript.


Angular HTTP Client Quick Start

Learn how to use the Angular HTTP Client and start making requests to restful API endpoints.


Firestore With AngularFire5 Quick Start

Get up and running with Firestore and AngularFire5 in this quick start introduction.


How to Lazy Load Components in Angular 4 in Three Steps

Lazy loading is a technique in Angular that allows you to load JavaScript components asynchronously when a specific route is activated


A Simple Explanation of NgModule

NgModule explained in simple terms with use-case examples.


Sharing Data Between Angular Components - Four Methods

Data sharing is an essential concept to understand before diving into your first Angular project. In this lesson, I provide four different methods for sharing data between Angular components.