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Lessons Tagged with ionic

Deploy an Ionic4 Android App to the Google Play Store

Build, sign, and deploy and Ionic 4 Android app step-by-step

Topic-Based Web Notifications With Ionic4 and Cloud Messaging

Send topic-based push notifications on the web with Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), Callable Cloud Functions, and Ionic 4


How to Pass Data to Modals in Ionic 4

Pass data to a modal in Ionic 4 with componentProps

Organize Shared Components in an Ionic 4 App

Learn how to generate a shared module component reusability in Ionic 4

Ionic 4 Routing and Navigation Guide

Learn routing and navigation basics in Ionic v4 using the Angular Router.


Making Ionic4 SEO Friendly

Learn how to set metatags for search engines and linkbots in Ionic 4

Ionic Intro Slider for New Users

Build a slider tutorial in Ionic 4 to educate new users how to use your app.

129 pro

Using ViewChild in Ionic 4 to Call Component Methods

ViewChild is an important tool in Ionic 4 that can be used to call API methods on components.

Ionic 4 CSS Variables - Build a Dynamic Theme Generator

Build a dynamic theme generator and animation controller in Ionic 4 using CSS4 variables


Should You Use Ionic 4?

Learn about the changes and Ionic 4 and decide if it is suitable for building your mobile app.


Capacitor - Five Apps in Five Minutes

Build a PWA, iOS, Android, Mac, and Windows Desktop app with a single codebase using Capacitor.


Ionic Native With Firebase FCM Push Notifications

Send push notifications with Ionic Native using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).


Ionic Google Login With Firebase and AngularFire

Firebase Google OAuth login with Ionic 3 and Ionic 4 for iOS and Android.


Ionic Splash Screen Animation

Learn how to customize and animate the Ionic splash screen for iOS and Android devices.


Google Cloud Vision With Ionic and Firebase - Not Hotdog App

Learn how to build the Not Hotdog app (Silicon Valley) using Ionic, Firebase, and Google Cloud Vision.