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Lessons Tagged with database

Scheduled Cloud Function Tasks and Cron Jobs in Firebase

Build a task queue for scheduling recurring time-based background processes in Firebase.

101 pro

Combine Firestore Collections Into a Single Array Observable

A snippet that will combine Firestore collections via AngularFire2, while maintaining realtime listeners.

Advanced Data Modeling With Firestore by Example

Learn how to deal with the challenges of relational data modeling in NoSQL with advanced techniques in Firestore.

86 pro

Firestore NoSQL Relational Data Modeling

Structure your Firestore Database relationships with practical real-world examples aimed at SQL Developers


Angular Component Test Driven Development (TDD) Starter Guide

Use test driven development in Angular and simulate asynchronous Firebase data on the backend for component specs.


Build a Star Review System With Firestore

Learn how to build a five-star rating system from scratch with Angular and the Firestore NoSQL database.


Advanced Firestore Usage Guide With Angular

A variety of tips and snippets that make AngularFire v5 and Firestore much easier to use.

56 pro

Firestore With AngularFire5 Quick Start

Get up and running with Firestore and AngularFire5 in this quick start introduction.


Firebase Database Performance Profiling and Analysis

In this lesson, I will show you how to analyze speed and memory performance with the Firebase database profiler tool.


Angular Ngrx Effects With the Firebase Realtime Database

Learn how to use NgRx Effects in Angular using the Firebase Realtime Database.


Negative Timestamps to Sort Records in Firebase

Learn how to add negative timestamps to Firebase records to enable reverse sorting of large datasets.

Query Firebase Data With Angular Router URL Parameters

Use the Angular Router to make queries to the Firebase Realtime Database.

Location Queries With Firebase GeoFire and Angular Google Maps (AGM)

Use Firebase GeoFire to make location queries in Angular, then display the results in Google Maps.


Infinite Scroll in Angular With Firebase Data

Build an infinite scroll feature with async Firebase data and the ngx-infinite-scroll package


Reactive Forms in Angular With the Firebase Database

Use Angular Reactive Forms to validate and update Firebase data asynchronously.


Build Realtime Maps in Angular With Mapbox GL

The basics of building realtime map features with Angular4, Firebase, and MapBox


Multi-Property Data Filtering With Firebase and Angular 4

The best options for filtering your data when you want to achieve something similar to using multiple WHERE conditions in a SQL database query.


Top 7 RxJS Patterns for Angular Development

Seven patterns that solve common issues for realtime app developers using Angular and Firebase


Facebook-Inspired Reactions From Scratch With Angular and Firebase

Build a Facebook-inspired reaction component to allow users to like or react to your content.


Associate Firebase Users to Database Records

Learn several different ways to associate database records with users who authenticated via Firebase


Simple Firebase Pagination With AngularFire2

Create a paginator with AngularFire2 for async realtime firebase data.


Text Translator With Firebase Cloud Functions onWrite and Angular

Translate text in the cloud with Firebase Cloud Functions


Reddit Style Upvoting in Angular 4 and Firebase NoSQL

Create a Reddit-Style Voting System from Scratch with Angular and Firebase


Autocomplete Search With Angular4 and Firebase

Create an autocomplete search feature that filters results asynchronously from the Firebase realtime database


Understanding Firebase Database Rules by Example

Learn how to protect your firebase data on the backend with database rules examples.


Reactive CRUD App With Angular and Firebase Tutorial

Learn how to build a simple CRUD app with the Firebase realtime NoSQL database and Angular