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Lessons Tagged with performance

Top Ten Visual Studio Code Pro Tips

Ten Ways to Boost Productivity with VSCode Extensions


Angular Universal SSR Prerendering With Firebase Hosting

Make your Angular v6 app SEO-friendly with server-side prerendering and deploy it to Firebase hosting, S3, or any static host.

106 pro

Angular PWA Performance Optimization and Analysis

Performance analysis and optimizations for Progressive Web Apps designed to improve the critical rendering path.

73 pro

Faster Firestore With Cloud Functions Data Aggregation

Learn how to make faster queries in Firestore by aggregating data from a subcollection to its parent document via Firebase Cloud Functions.


Firebase Database Performance Profiling and Analysis

In this lesson, I will show you how to analyze speed and memory performance with the Firebase database profiler tool.


How to Lazy Load Components in Angular 4 in Three Steps

Lazy loading is a technique in Angular that allows you to load JavaScript components asynchronously when a specific route is activated