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Build Awesome pps

Practical lessons covering Angular, Firebase, RxJS, Node, and many other APIs

Start Learning Demo Apps


Detailed code lessons designed to help you build and ship real-world apps for web, mobile, and desktop.


Fast-paced video lessons covering beginner, intermediate, and advanced topics about app development

Slack Discussion

Join the Angular Firebase Slack team to network with developers and chat about your project.

Zero to App in Under Ten Minutes

I'm not a fan of code tutorials that fumble through every keystroke. Instead, I distill the key concepts into 10 minutes and support every video with a full writeup and github repo. If you like the video below, then you're probably in the right place :)

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Hosted by Jeff Delaney

Jeff Delaney Google Developer Expert for Firebase

Read the Angular Firebase Survival Guide Book

Angular Firebase Survival Guide Book
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* Free copy for PRO subscribers