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Lessons Tagged with firestore

Testing Firestore Security Rules With the Emulator

Learn how to use the new Firestore emulator to write unit test for your security rules.


Infinite Virtual Scroll With the Angular CDK

Build an Infinite Virtual Scroll with the Angular CDK


Build a Group Chat With Firestore

Learn how to model data for a Firestore group chat and build it from scratch with Angular.


Sortable Drag and Drop Lists in Firestore

Use Angular and @shopify/draggable to build a sortable list with backend persistence in Firestore


Machine Learning Engine Tutorial

Learn how to build an machine learning API from scratch with Datalab, ML Engine, and Firebase.


Hold-to-Delete Angular Directive With RxJS and Firestore

Prevent accidental data deleting by implementing a hold-to-delete button with RxJS, Angular Directives, and Firestore.


Topic-Based Web Notifications With Ionic4 and Cloud Messaging

Send topic-based push notifications on the web with Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), Callable Cloud Functions, and Ionic 4


Join Collections in Firestore

Learn how to leverage RxJS to perform SQL-like JOIN queries in Firestore on collections and documents

134 pro

Introduction to RxFire - RxJS for Firebase

Take an early look at RxFire - A new official library from Firebase providing RxJS bindings for realtime streams.


How to Manage Costs in Firebase

Learn how to minimize cloud computing costs in Firestore with both clientside and serverside strategies.


How to Query an Array in Firestore

Learn how query all documents that contain a specific value in an array.


Realtime GeoQueries With Firestore

Perform geospatial queries in Firestore based on a radius and visualize realtime updates with Angular Google Maps.

120 - Angular End-to-End Testing Tutorial

Perform end-to-end testing in Angular with


Apollo Server and GraphQL on Node.js Tutorial

Learn how to build a GraphQL API using ApolloServer 2.0 and Firestore


How to Avoid Observable Flicker on Initialzation

Use the RxJS startWith operator to provide initial data to prevent flickering problems, using AngularFire user auth as an example.

Airtable Firestore Customer Relationship Management

Build a customer relationship management CRM Tool with Airtable and Firebase


Algolia Firestore QuickStart With Firebase Cloud Functions

Give your Firestore database the power of full-text search with Algolia and automatically index new data with Cloud Functions.


Advanced Reactive Forms Techniques With Firestore

Build reactive forms that preload and autosave data with Firestore

108 pro

Angular Reactive Forms Basics Guide

Master the basics of Reactive Forms in Angular by building five different forms from scratch.


Angular Elements Quick Start Guide

Get up started with Angular Elements by building an custom component with Firebase


Server Side Rendering Firebase Angular Universal

Step-by-step server-side rendering guide for Angular Universal and AngularFire2


Check if Current User Is Signed-in or for Data Existence With AngularFire

Snippet to check if current user exists in AngularFire2

CSV to Firestore - Build a Firebase Admin Command Line Utility

Build your own Node CLI utility that will import data from a CSV file to Firestore

95 pro

How to Format Document Data for the Firestore REST API

Convert JSON or JavaScript objects for write requests to the Firestore REST API.

Firestore Security Rules Guide

Learn how to hack a Firebase app, then protect your Firestore database with sophisticated security rules.

92 pro

The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Firebase

In this episode we go back to the basics and play with Firebase using plain JavaScript.


Typeahead Autocomplete With Firestore

Build a typeahead autocomplete search form with Firestore by implementing advanced data querying methods.

89 pro

Combine Firestore Collections Into a Single Array Observable

A snippet that will combine Firestore collections via AngularFire2, while maintaining realtime listeners.

Angular Reactive Forms Async Validation With Firebase

Build a custom validator with Angular Reactive Forms that interacts asynchronously with the Firestore database to enforce uniqueness.


Advanced Data Modeling With Firestore by Example

Learn how to deal with the challenges of relational data modeling in NoSQL with advanced techniques in Firestore.

86 pro