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Community Guidelines

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Community is a huge part of and it’s what drives me to create more content. My mission is to produce as much value for developers as possible, but creating high-quality content in this space is a challenge. As soon as you’re done building something awesome it becomes obsolete, or so it feels. That’s why feedback, encouragement, and lessons ideas are all extremely valuable for keeping this project fresh. – Jeff


The community guides are quite simple - don’t be an asshole. This project exists to help developers of all levels get their apps built and shipped.


I am available to chat on Slack every day of the week. I post important updates, poll for lesson suggestions, and announce every video on the #general channel. Whether you’re a pro member or not, I highly recommend joining just to see what fellow developers are up to.

Problems with Lessons and Broken Code

The greater development ecosystem is constantly evolving and breaking changes are just a part of life. If you find broken code and the lesson has a Github repo, you can:

  1. Open an issue with details.
  2. Fork the repo, fix it, and submit a pull request.

Pull requests are always welcomed and very much appreciated. Not all lessons have a repo, so you can also leave a comment on the lesson page or chat about it on Slack.

Contributions and Guest Posting

Have a great idea for a lesson a just want get your name out there? I can to turn your post into video content and help build your personal brand. But most importantly, you’ll get a free orange T-shirt just for contributors.

Send me a direct message on Slack to get started.

In Person

I am based in Phoenix, AZ and travel to conferences frequently. If you’re in the area drop me a line and we can grab a beer.