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Dialogflow With Firebase Cloud Functions and Firestore

Episode 59 written by Jeff Delaney
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In my previous Angular Chatbot lesson, I showed you how to build a basic conversation experience with Dialogflow. This lesson is going to expand on that concept by building a bot that can run backend code with Firebase Cloud Functions in response to the conversation. This allows you to easily do things like:

  • Update the database.
  • Generate files (pdf, images, etc).
  • Retrieve data from a 3rd party API.

Here’s an example of how the process works.

  1. User says “Hey bot, can you email me the latest report?”
  2. Bot recognizes build report intent
  3. Bot triggers a cloud function that queries the database, generates a PDF, and sends an email.
  4. Bot responds “No problemo, I just emailed you the latest report”.

Firebase Cloud Functions with Dialogflow Introduction

Dialogflow has build in support for Firebase Cloud Functions - an extremely powerful integration if you’re already developing with Firebase. This means you don’t have to deal with webhooks and can write code that is tightly integrated with your current project.

What we’re Building

I have a users collection in the Firestore database and each user document has a phone number. The bot will detect the update phone number intent, then take the users input and save it to Firestore.

dialogflow with to functions to update the firestore database

Where do you define dialogflow functions?

You can also have the option to write code directly in the browser console. However, you do not have access to your Firebase environment variables. If you want to connect other Firebase resources, such as Firestore database, you need to deploy your functions from the CLI.

If you’re starting with cloud functions from scratch, use the following commands to add them to your current Firebase project.

npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase init functions
cd functions

Building the Chatbot

We need our chatbot to detect a specific substring in user’s statement. For example, if the user says “Hey bot, update my phone number to 555 555 1234” - the bot knows to only to extract only the number and save it to the database.

Create the Dialog Flow Intent

First we need to create the intent on the agent. Dialogflow will automatically recognize the phone number when you type it, then save it as parameter. It does this for a number of common-use cases, such as geographical locations, email addresses, etc. You can also create your own custom entities to capture parameters that are specific you app’s needs.

Make sure to set the action as phone.update. The function will look for this action type and run code in response to it.

use webhooks on the cooresponding intent

Building the Cloud Function

The cloud function documentation for dialogflow is overly complex. My goal is to show you a bare-minimum function that you can build upon with your own integrations.


We only need the default packages that are initialized with Firebase functions. If you are using an existing project, make sure you packages are up-to-date for use with the Firestore NoSQL Database.

"name": "functions",
"description": "Cloud Functions for Firebase",
"dependencies": {
"firebase-admin": "^5.4.2",
"firebase-functions": "^0.7.1"
"private": true


What we have here is an HTTP cloud function that will (1) receive and parse the request payload from Dialogflow, (2) update the Firestore database with the phone number, and (3) send the response data back Dialogflow.

The actionHandlers is the important part here. It is an object of functions, where the key corresponds to the action name you defined in the intent screen Dialogflow. We can then use the action variable to call any function inside this object.

Lastly, the formatResponse helper is used to format the response data that will be shown to the end user. It this example, we just send a text response, but I included all other options so you have that as a reference.

const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');

/// pro members only...

const functions = require('firebase-functions');

const admin = require('firebase-admin');

exports.dialogflowFirebaseFulfillment = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {

console.log('Request headers: ' + JSON.stringify(req.headers));
console.log('Request body: ' + JSON.stringify(req.body));
// An action is a string used to identify what needs to be done in fulfillment
let action = req.body.result.action;
// Parameters are any entites that Dialogflow has extracted from the request.
const parameters = req.body.result.parameters;

// Contexts are objects used to track and store conversation state
const inputContexts = req.body.result.contexts;

// Get the request source slack/facebook/et
const requestSource = (req.body.originalRequest) ? req.body.originalRequest.source : undefined;

// Firestore database
const db = admin.firestore()

const actionHandlers = {

'phone.update': () => {
const userRef = db.collection('users').doc('test-user');
const phoneNumber = parameters['phone-number'];

// Make update in firestore
userRef.update({ phone: phoneNumber }).then(() => {
/// successful update - send response to dialogflow
const data = formatResponse('No problem. Phone number is updated in Firestore!')

'default': () => {
const data = formatResponse('Hi. I am the default response from the Cloud Function')


// missing action will call default function.
if (!actionHandlers[action]) {
action = 'default';

// Call the handler with action type


/// Helper to format the response JSON object
function formatResponse(text) {
return {
speech: text,
displayText: text,
data: {},
contextOut: [],
source: '',
followupEvent: {}

Deploy the Function

Now we can deploy the function from the command line.

firebase deploy --only functions

This should return a URL that looks like this.

Enable Webhooks

The final step is to tell Dialogflow to use this Cloud Function Endpoint for webhooks in the fulfillment panel. Simply copy and paste cloud function URL as the dialogflow webhook URL.

point the cloud function URL to the dialogflow webhook

Then we go back into the intent and tell it to use webhooks down at the bottom. Checking this box tells dialog flow to use the cloud function to generate data, as opposed to sending a static text response.

use webhooks on the corresponding intent

The End

Your chatbot is now has the power to access the full suite of Firebase resources and beyond.